Monday, November 16, 2009

Why doesn't the inside of our hands or the bottom of our feet never tan even while going to a tanning salon?

Because melanin, the pigment that causes tans and other skin shades such as the cocoa to black skin color found in those of African descent, is not present in the skin of your hands and feet. It is however, present in other areas like the whites of your eyes, for example (in small amounts). White birthmarks are caused by the absence of melanin in the area of the birthmark (I have one of these on the back of my leg that stays white no matter how much sun I get) just as dark brown birthmarks on a Caucasian person are caused by an excess of melanin in that area. The skin disease Vitiligo (made famous by Michael Jackson) is caused by a complete lack of melanin or pigment from the affected areas which appear white and do not ever tan. Hope that answers your question adequately.

Why doesn't the inside of our hands or the bottom of our feet never tan even while going to a tanning salon?
because we have no pigment there
Reply:the skin is alot thicker and there is no pigment.

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